Why Use Remarketing

Why Retargeting?

Why Use Remarketing

Retargeting has proven to be one of the most effective forms of paid advertising available. Site visitors who were retargeted via display ads are 70 percent more likely to convert on your site. The click-through rate (CTR) on display ads is a whopping 10X higher with retargeting.

The results in remedying cart abandonment are impressive as well. A majority of first-time visitors are likely to abandon your checkout page and, usually, less than 10 percent of them will return later. With retargeting, you can increase the percentage of those cart ‘returnees’ to over 25 percent!

This explains why around 50 percent of all major brands have set aside specific budgets just for retargeting. Retargeting comes in many shapes and sizes and we’ll discuss the various types in the next posts.

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